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International Women's Day with Emer from Knotty Potty

International Women's Day with Emer from Knotty Potty

Hi Emer, thanks for taking the time out to chat to us for International Women’s Day! It is a chance to celebrate the incredible women in our lives and we’re taking the chance to shout about the female-led businesses that are on the Good Liverpool platform and smashing it!

We love showing our customers the faces behind the businesses, tell us more about yourself!
Hi my name is Emer. I’m Irish but I’ve lived in this amazing city for 21 years. I’ve set up my business alongside being a stay at home mum. Before this I taught engineering, woodwork and metalwork. I’ve a background in textiles and love making just about anything. 
Tell us about your business!
My business is called Knotty Potty. I make vibrant, colourful macrame plant hangers and fabric plant pots. Although I still make traditional styles, there are also designs to suit boho vibes. I’ve a contemporary range including monochrome macrame, as well as full colour pop in my brand colours of yellow and pink.  The hangers are sustainable and made from recycled cotton, reclaimed from the textile industry. The fabric plant pots are made using vintage or reclaimed fabrics and have a waterproof lining. I’ll be launching those in the next few weeks.

Did you always think that you would run your own business one day?
I’ve always loved making and have had a go at just about everything from print making to weaving, pottery, metal and wood work. I love discovering independent artists’s work at the local craft fayres and hoped that maybe I’d have something that people would love enough to buy too. I’d really only contemplated the making side and not the business side though, that’s been a real learning curve.
If any, what challenges have you experienced as a woman in business?
I absolutely love to make but I don’t have any background in business. I’m so grateful for the guidance and training I’ve received from the women’s organisation. It’s a fantastic organisation that provides free advice for local entrepreneurs. I’ve been appointed my own business advisor, her name is Yan and she’s fab! She has helped me plan and develop my business from an initial idea to a fully running business. The challenge I’ve found hardest is trying to get the balance right of fitting in all the demands of a business and the energy needed for a young family at home. It’s hard but it’s fab and really fulfilling.
What advice would you give to other women starting out in business?
Definitely do it, even if you don’t know how to start, just start. If you’d got that idea just give it a go. I’ve been so surprised at how amazing the local community is at supporting me, giving me a chance to have my products in their shops and online too like Good Liverpool. Instagram has been really great too, I’ve met and bought from some amazingly talented local people on there.
I’d definitely seek some advice from the women’s organisation, it’s all free as well. They have lots of webinars on setting up, social media strategy, finance, book keeping etc. It’s such an amazing resource.

Where do you see your business going next?
I’m planning on building a Knotty Potty homeware range. Initially I’m keeping with the plant theme with the fabric plant pots but I’d love to make an outdoor cushions, hammocks, swing chairs etc. I’m really happy and grateful with how things are going but never stop planning the next project. 
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